NoTitleID5. FileType9. Subtopic10. Topic11. Reference: 8. Minor Subject12. Subject
5911801Axial strain69Sample ProblemsStress and strainStress and strainFERMStress and strainMechanics of Materials
597114Stress and strain433SpecificationStress and strainStress and strainNCEESStress and strainStrength of Materials
837232Stress and strain caused by Axial loads552SpecificationStress and strain caused by Axial loadsStress and strain caused by Axial loadsNCEESStress and strain caused by Axial loadsMechanics of Materials
837233Stress and strain caused by Bending loads553SpecificationStress and strain caused by Bending loadStress and strain caused by Bending loadNCEESStress and strain caused by Bending loadMechanics of Materials
837234Stress and strain caused by torsion554SpecificationStress and strain caused by torsionStress and strain caused by torsionNCEESStress and strain caused by torsionMechanics of Materials
837235Stress and strain caused by shear555SpecificationStress and strain caused by shearStress and strain caused by shearNCEESStress and strain caused by shearMechanics of Materials