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Concentration of Feed and Products for a given conversion - Chemical Engineering Review for PE Examination

Chemical reaction being considered is aA + bB + cC ... wW + zZ

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Modules for calculation of concentrations of reactants and products for a given conversion under constant pressure or constant volume conditions:

Initial Concentration of A[limiting reactant], CAo = moles/liter
Stoichiometric Coefficient of B[reactant], b =
Initial Concentration of B, CBo = moles/Liter
Stoichiometric Coefficient of C [reactant}, c =
Initial Concentration of C[Reactant], CCo = moles/liter
Stoichiometric Coefficient of W[product], w =
Initial Concentration of W[product], CWo = moles/liter
Stoichiometric Coefficient of Z[product], z =
Initial Concentration of Z [product], CZo = moles/liter
Initial Concentration of I [inert], CIo = moles/liter
Conversion, x =

Constant: Pressure Volume