1. Chemical Kinetics
Chemical Kinetics (6-10) questions
2. Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics (11-17 questions)
3. Mass/Energy Balances
Mass/Energy Balances (12-18 questions)
4. Fluid Flow
4. Fluid Flow (10-16 questions)
5. Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer (9-14 questions)
6. Mass Transfer and Separation
Mass Transfer and Separation (7-11 questions)
7. Plant Design and Operations
Plant Design and Operations (15-23 questions)
The NCEES Principles and Practice (PE) Chemical exam is now offered exclusively via computer-based testing (CBT).
Author: Waqar Ahmad
Completed my undergraduate from University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan in 1974, Masters in 1983 and PhD in 1986 from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. On the academic side, I have been teaching review course for Chemical Engineering License Exam since 1990. I have also taught review course for FE/EIT for the last few years.
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